Hope, Purpose

Today will be GREAT day!

Good Morning to all! Just wanted to share with you something that I do every morning that helps me…. Spending time with God and reading His word.
I also drink a cup of coffee 😊
it is a wonderful start to my day.

Today know that you are not alone!

Jesus is walking right beside you. Guess what? He promises that He will never leave you or forsake you.
Have a wonderful day! -❤️Rhonnie

Hope, Purpose


Today get a piece of paper and start writing down all things that make you happy. Write down the people/things you are thankful for. Shifting your focus from negative to positive… You will begin to change your outlook on life. Change your thoughts and you will change your world. God is with you with every step that you take. Have a great day!-Rhonnie Ennis #YouAreNotAlone #YouWillMakeIt #Changeyourthoughts #NeverGiveUp #YourLifeMatters

Say it with me – Today I will let my hurtful past go. I forgive the people who have hurt me and I forgive myself. Today I choose to move forward and never give up.-Rhonnie Ennis #YouWillMakeIt #BreathingwithPurpose #NeverGiveUp

If you’re alive, there’s a purpose for your life. -Rick Warren

Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.-Francis of Assisi

Today… Know this if you are #Breathing you are destined to do great things. If you are struggling today… know that God is with you with every step that you take. You are purposed to live. Don’t Give Up! You Are A Winner!-Rhonnie Ennis

The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. Really, it’s a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free.-Charles R. Swindoll

Why fit in…When you were born to stand out.-Dr. Seuss

You will make it!